
Friday, November 29, 2019

7 Lessons from Garuda Puran

Garuda Puran is a book of 16 chapters which describes the journey of the soul after death and also the punishments given by yamraj to sins done by a  soul.
Some lessons are describes in this article we gain from Garuda Puran,these are:-
1) Patience and precaution:- To leave live happily we must've two qualities patience & precaution as patience improves our brain and mind to watch situations carefully & precautions save us from bad experiences or happenings.
2) We should wear clean clothes:-
According to this Puran wearing untidy clothes is a sin as it creates negative vibes in us and our sourroundings.
3)Practice makes a man perfect:-  Practice is a deed which purifies our soul to eternity and makes our mind and brain stable towards positivity and rationality.
4) Healthy body and balanced diet:-  Balanced diet perception and healthy body is earlier describes by our ancestors by this Puran.
5)Importance of fruits & fast:- This book describes the importance of fruits and fast as this purifies our body by removing toxic wastes from body.
6) Holy basil(Tulsi):- According to this Puran Tulsi terms a medium to free the soul from the circle of death and born i.e Moksha.
7) Respects gods and epic books:- Insulting epic book and religious books termed as a very serious deed in the court of almighty.

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