
Friday, November 29, 2019

Deep preceptions of god

Definition view
It stands for Generator, Operator & Destroyer.

Mythological View
It stands as Brahma(creator),Vishnu(operator) & destroyer (Mahesh).

Scientific view
It stands as Physics, chemistry and biology.

Mathematical view
It stands as Counting, Algebra and geometry.

Film view
It stands as Writer, Producer and director.

Equation form
In equation form it is describes in the video known as Euler identity.

Lessons from Super 30

In this film the story covers to a man who is knowledgeable in mathematics & science& teach his knowledge to local society around him and this a true life story.
1) Knowledge is power:- This film enlightens the power of knowledge without any discrimination.

2) Life is mathematics:- Life and universe are moving with the constant laws of science and mathematics.

3) Power of mind:-  Mind is the innocent friend of brain & gives the power to the brain to gain any type of knowledge.

4) Fear is the foe:-  Fear is an invisible force which works on our mind & brain.

7 Lessons from Garuda Puran

Garuda Puran is a book of 16 chapters which describes the journey of the soul after death and also the punishments given by yamraj to sins done by a  soul.
Some lessons are describes in this article we gain from Garuda Puran,these are:-
1) Patience and precaution:- To leave live happily we must've two qualities patience & precaution as patience improves our brain and mind to watch situations carefully & precautions save us from bad experiences or happenings.
2) We should wear clean clothes:-
According to this Puran wearing untidy clothes is a sin as it creates negative vibes in us and our sourroundings.
3)Practice makes a man perfect:-  Practice is a deed which purifies our soul to eternity and makes our mind and brain stable towards positivity and rationality.
4) Healthy body and balanced diet:-  Balanced diet perception and healthy body is earlier describes by our ancestors by this Puran.
5)Importance of fruits & fast:- This book describes the importance of fruits and fast as this purifies our body by removing toxic wastes from body.
6) Holy basil(Tulsi):- According to this Puran Tulsi terms a medium to free the soul from the circle of death and born i.e Moksha.
7) Respects gods and epic books:- Insulting epic book and religious books termed as a very serious deed in the court of almighty.

Think grow and rich(6 Rules of nature)

Think grow and rich(6 Rules of nature) To bring richness in life there are 6 golden rules are to be followed these are:- a) Desire...